I'd like to start off by saying that
I'm looking to see this movie independent of the book,
and to just enjoy it as a normal film.
That said, I still want to compare the two.
So to start off, let's go to a picture.

Now, let's talk about casting choices
and how they want characters to seem.
Starting from the left,
Evra Von.
To me, he seemed a little more kiddish in the book at first,
and less of a skater teen.
But I love the make-up/effects for his skin!
Darren Shan.
Again, the age issue. This kid is 12 in the books.
Regardless of the actor's true age,
he is very much older than 12 here.
From what is shown in the trailer,
I'm happy with how he's handling his character.
Lastly, Rebecca.
She is the new love interest for Darren,
NOT Debbie Hemlock with a different name.
Since this is a brand new character
who doesn't appear in the books,
I guess I'll just say I like her clothing.
It compliments Evra's skin.
She wasn't in the trailer, so I'm interested to see
what she does to perform at the Cirque!

Overall, the characters
are not holding to the books very well,
but again, I don't care that much!
I'm looking to enjoy a general plot about vampires.
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